Fund-raising events took place in 2008, two years, not related to LiTu pure for so-called "illegal macro" survey, but it happened in his release "refused to bankruptcy" sticky after declaration. Can say, in fact, is not "illegal funds", but LiTu pure radical, gambling and sex but would compromise character and "not understand the" their sent to prison. Tragedy is how causes it? LiTu pure of its own making. What caused the LiTu pure tragedy? In the February 14 western valentine's day, for suspected illegal absorb the public deposit limit TaiZiNai founder of sin LiTu pure, received a package-was acquitted. Friendship cannot stand always on one side, LiTu pure also did a "easy", be shut 15 months of "official", be TaiZiNai kicked out, also said no claims, not to Sue. LiTu pure have "cause" don't stretch, reason may lie in this time can get rid of charges, in fact is the compromise of all parties. LiTu pure lawyer has said LiTu pure be custody, someone is put forward, as long as he signed agreed to TaiZiNai bankruptcy, can free. At that time, stubborn LiTu pure also insisted that TaiZiNai shouldn't go bankrupt. It must be LiTu pure might want to see. TaiZiNai bankruptcy, also including the local government just meet some of the strategic investors to introduce long appeal. He then this can see through dark clouds sunny day. The beginning of the LiTu pure and not so have "YanLiJian son", in the interpersonal relationship and the crisis management performance is not pretty. On the other hand, if not so, he may also won't have 15 months jail. Single from the merchant's point of view,polarized sunglasses have to say, LiTu pure really gain business is very high. In 1996, he only 1 million yuan start-up money, in hunan zhuzhou set up TaiZiNai factory. Under his leadership, 2001 in 2007 to in from $50 million TaiZiNai sales jumped to 3 billion yuan, for six years performance double. In China TaiZiNai lactobacillus drink market share had reached 76.2%, be worthy of the industry. The rise of TaiZiNai, LiTu pure effort and ability, is obvious. But, in the Chinese business, only business talent and the drive of the day after tomorrow is still not enough, still must be in interpersonal aspect knew a thing or two. Especially in enterprise bigger how to handle the good and the relationship between the government, is an university asked. But what LiTu pure a high-profile make public, there is a fearless harder. Not very buy government bill. A few years ago, I was invited to zhuzhou of zhuzhou city federations of industry and commerce to local private entrepreneurs to lectures, especially in the city the leadership of escorted to TaiZiNai factories. I visited their office and enterprise development history, see the metope of room in hung on the many LiTu pure and government at all levels of leaders took a photo and according to visit. Do look very scene! But to tell you the truth, I was feeling or some weird. The duty of an entrepreneur is operating their own businesses, not on how many leaders have close and shadow and appear is his ability to the background, and by others to improve (in fact there have been some private entrepreneurs also keen to do so). Character and do things tend to date. LiTu pure high-profile make public, lie in character, inevitable to enterprise operation of the project. In TaiZiNai still haven't fully stand firm, he can't wait to try to make diversification strategy, not only involved in children's clothing, retail, the meet, they also cheerfully told me TaiZiNai are prepared to purchase a famous brand of Fried instant noodles. In 2007, in order to give TaiZiNai added expansion capital, LiTu pure and crazy bet a, the introduction of foreign capital wind cast us $73 million, and the agreement signed with spread: three years TaiZiNai group earnings growth of more than 50%, otherwise, LiTu pure lose control. More events and LiTu pure detention did not directly, but be influence on the later development of events hidden trouble. Exceptional expansion, leading to the TaiZiNai capital chain of fast break, faced with a foreign investment bank spread-betting agreement pressure, LiTu pure had to agree to a tech center of zhuzhou city government by dairy comprehensive custody. For questions do so TaiZiNai, tech centers in no back in the art of dairy, had to give TaiZiNai bankruptcy reorganization. See their "own" children to go bankrupt, LiTu pure or accept any ransom "good? And they want to introducing founder group as a strategic investor. Look at the TaiZiNai a HuTuZhang, founder group should hesitate to make moves, the author suggests to the requirements of the first bankruptcy took over. To LiTu pure, and "lead" TaiZiNai frequently and some enterprise "to", can never find a husband. Local government, including the strategic investors, hope to TaiZiNai early bankruptcy liquidation, LiTu pure insists that the TaiZiNai right back, in April 2010, still emotional to announce that, he himself and TaiZiNai group of 2.1 billion lifelong responsible for debt, to ensure that a points many ground return, besides grandiloquence, he take what to make sure? Do not like to see his own hands established the company went bankrupt, LiTu pure idea is understandable, but, this kind of practice, no doubt, is in the local government and the public JiaoBan. Just think, and the local government defy, LiTu pure how much game capital? End it can be imagined. For private entrepreneurs,new era hats it whether his enterprise do have how old, how much personal brand ring, all to the business environment has a clear understanding, learn to prevent commercial thinking outside of the various risk. For ZhengShang relationships, more to have strategy speak method, can stretch can bend and can be hired back. Only that can in the complexity of the ZhengShang game in ease. This, LiTu pure doesn't know, of course, is not willing to do that. Sure enough, after 3 months of July 2010, LiTu pure for suspected illegal absorb public deposits sin be arrested, at the same time, the local government in TaiZiNai also launched a bankruptcy restructuring work.You know, the so-called "illegal macro", but it was in 2008. At the time, in all kinds of debt of the mire LiTu pure, who had been in TaiZiNai company senior cadres from balking in. In April, 2008, he was still in TaiZiNai company set up a "loan reserve", from a dealer in raised more than 5000 yuan of money. Fund-raising events took place in 2008, two years, not related to LiTu pure for so-called "illegal macro" survey, but it happened in his release "refused to bankruptcy" sticky after declaration. Can say, in fact, is not "illegal funds", but LiTu pure radical, gambling and sex but would compromise character and "not understand the" their sent to prison. Tragedy is how causes it? LiTu pure of its own making. 
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