Science press has published "China consumer demand change and influence" disclosure, 1985 to 2009, the residents of the income gap between is gradually expanding. Among them, the highest income group urban residents and the lowest income group is the gap between the average per capita income from 2.9 times that of 1985 to expand 8.9 times more than in 2009, and expand the new era hats In guangdong, the number is higher, and the gap between about 9.49 times. In fact, the growing gap between rich and poor would have caused the wide attention of all social sectors, "gini coefficient" in recent years is one of the hot economic statistics. A data revealed that China's gini coefficient at the beginning of reform and opening up from 0.28 to 0.48 in 2007, and in the past two years and the rise, and already more than 0.5. And according to international statistics usually, gini coefficient is more than 0.4 means that the wealth of a nation already excessive concentration in a few hands. According to the world bank report, 1% of China's family mastered the national 41.4% of the wealth, the United States is 5% of the population to 60% of the wealth. From the point of view of wealth, China's wealth concentration is more than the U.S. as the world's most serious polarization of one of the countries, and the trend of differentiation and no sign of abating. This is the Chinese society benefit sharing mechanism of serious fracture significantly signal. Be worth what carry is, affected by the global financial crisis, the influence of the main developed countries the number growth has decreased, while China's rich but there jumping. In 2010, the Chinese millionaires leapt at the third place worldwide, considerable rise, is also proved many foreign media said the "Chinese already more and more rich". The Boston consulting group fortune global research report, the next five years, China's millionaire annual growth rate will reach 18%, the millionaire mainly distributed in finance, real estate, IT, business services, manufacturing, energy, etc. China's richest wealth accumulation exceed short time, exposed its wealth in the path of the source. In a foreign country, a powerful person earning 100 million yuan wealth, need an average 15 years, the 100 million yuan to 1 billion yuan, foreign need 10 years, while in China need only 3 years, much shorter than foreign. According to an often rich in a roll in the circle of the sources, and the owner of the great wealth in normal create richly outside, still have a lot of "three" : one is to rely on the power and the capital rent-seeking; 2 it is gray income; Three is engaged in mining, etc resource or monopoly industries. The age of the richest concentrated in between 35 and 55 years old. He even think, Volvo circle rely on fortune through but 30%. This kind of view is set up, as long as we look at "1% of China's family master the national 41.4% of the wealth" that number, clear enough. The number is not only far higher than today mature the capitalist countries, is also far higher than deep that day "the gilded age" of the United States. 1929 years of 1% of U.S. households own 31.6% of the national wealth cause global depression, and now 1% of families master Chinese 41.4% of the wealth, according to this theory predicts that China's crisis is yet to come. However, some domestic scholars argue that, wealth tend to focus on is the inevitable result of social development process. "Only the rich get protection, the poor can become rich" classic "trickle-down theory" (mainly refers to the top of the wealth must permeate to the trickle-down the lower), in a large market anecdotal. Accused of rich and poor injustice, was he in order to "QiuFu". But, this theory has been serious fact that shattered: the rich get rich, and not make the poor become rich. Rather, between the power of the trade union, the trend will increasingly apparent, social balance further tilt, the China of today is the gap between the rich and poor has already become the world most. If a country is very few people most of the wealth possession, and low consumption rate so well wide will become inevitable. China's current of the polarization between the rich and the poor, as well as for income and property difference widens, also the performance for the distribution of link inequality, and so not only is economic problem, but also related to the fairness and justice of social problems. China's wealth gap between the objective existence, the seriousness of the polarization, is each concerned about the fate of the country is not indifferent. Can't or does not want to face up to the problem, this is. As government officials at all levels, if can't face the problem,best sunglasses also do not solve the problem. And a vision and pursuit of harmonious society, and the common prosperity of the country, if not in solving the gap between rich and poor as effective, the harmonious vision will stay in discourse on more. Further, that excessive wealth to a few serious tilt, from a side, reflect serious institutional corruption and resource monopoly deprived the vast majority of national development and competition opportunities. From the long run, excessive wealth is focused on people are sure to fundamentally erosion the competitiveness foundation, the production value derogatory elements, hampering growth cycle new arrival, could eventually cause asset bubble is broken and social unstable factors increase bad consequences.

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