The food dispatch gave or got an electric shock Taiwan to appear in the food additive to rise to join a harmful healthy petrochemistry in cloud recently on May 26 according to The Xinhua news agency"bordered on benzene two A sour(2- ethyl F radicle) ester"(DEHP) affairs.Report according to the medium inside the island, many sport beverages with well-known house and juice, enzyme beverage has already encountered a pollution.The big this time pollution scale is rare through the years, cause controversy in Taiwan.Recently, several medium inside the island all carry on reporting to this matter, the related organization is continuously investigating a related food operator.Rising cloud is in common use a kind of emulsifiers is in the beverage, can let the beverage avoid an illegitimate profit layering and look more even.DEHP is a petrochemistry, will endanger a male to grow ability,mens sunglasses urge female precocious.Taiwan lists as it the fourth toxicity chemistry material, can not add in the food.According to report, April, this year, when the health section inside the island is routine to take out to check a food discover in"clean dollar probiotics" powder, in imply DEHP, the density is up to a 600 ppms(1/1,000,000).Investigate and discover, DEHP comes from Yu to stretch inside cloud that the spice company supplies.The Yu stretches company, farm and trading company that the companies provide goods to have about 30, probably make several kinds of food sellings.The food drugs management organization inside the island has been already confirmed now, the Yue surname, and"Taiwan yes"...etc. exercise beverage, and"SunKist" each grain lemon juice etc., total 16 batches of beverages, pour a beverage to contain DEHP.Report to call, have already recalled currently about 18 ton polluted juice, jam, concentrated fructose, and fruits powder...etc., and about 460,000 bottles of beverages,Mont blanc Polariscope destroy more than 130,000 box probiotics products at the same time.Yu's stretching the representative director of the company to depend on extraordinary talent is also accepted to escort.
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