Always blow air conditioning prone to "morbid office syndrome", also is the KongDiaoBing, air conditioning don't blow hot and uncomfortable. In fact as long as the air conditioning room to pass in and out or long to maintain the body, strengthen the body, control mechanism, adjusting immunity. It can be easily avoid air conditioning disease. In the hot cold, it's not in describe people's personality, but in summer, work and life true portraiture. The hot ShuQi maddening to air conditioning room, indoor and outdoor temperature difference is big, like a season incline alternately, the body easy to feel uncomfortable or trigger old disease. If simply in air conditioning room nest, and air conditioning blow for a long time, can also be ill.Kansas City Chiefs Adjustable Summer air conditioning disease: sick office syndrome recent research shows that there are more and more people appear a runny nose, sneezing, red eyes, nose allergies, have a headache wait for a "morbid office syndrome". It is like the flu, n/med tuberculosis bacterium infections, extremely easily also within the building in the airtight spread quickly. Allergic constitution itself, symptoms will be more obvious. Especially when the mesh of shelter evil people and practices of dust accumulated A, after air broadcast, will from direct contact with the respiratory tract and cause allergic reactions. Symptoms: headaches often heard often sat in air conditioning room to say, "I have a headache, stars, and also forgetful" and so on. Air conditioning in addition to cause a cold, is quite serious damage to the brain, the most common is a headache. The summer, people in the outdoor work, nasty bore into the air conditioning room. The skin feeling by heat into the cold temperature, especially when the temperature of inside and outside of more than five degrees above, vascular heat bilges cold shrink, from the extended state rapid contraction, and therefore have headaches symptoms. Symptoms 2: a cold summer heat, many people because of greed and will air conditioning temperature cool tone is very low. When people from the hot outdoor enter air conditioning room, respiratory easily stimulated, and sweat pores, when capillary suddenly encounter cold sharp contraction, very easy to catch a cold, heat. If long time to stay in the air conditioning, pore was contracting, came suddenly, stuffy room or outdoor, pore can not be opened, the body regulating center if undeserved, can appear heatstroke or sore throat, stuffy nose, wind hot type cold symptoms. Symptoms three: the skin is dry air conditioning room for too long, ChangQian dry skin itching. Especially with chronic skin disease, quite sensitive to temperature changes. Take common chronic skin disease, ectopic skin inflammation for example, hot weather sweating, sweat stimulate evident, itchy skin unbearable; If in air conditioning room for a long time, the skin also could because too dry and appear to itch disease.Kansas City Chiefs Snapback Symptoms four: dry eyes in the room of the air conditioning dry problem also spread to the eyes. Long-term wear contact lenses, with chronic conjunctivitis or a dry eye syndrome, easy puffy eyes, recurrence rate is high. If air conditioning mouth mesh didn't really clean up, the situation worse. Airtight office building, air conditioning system continuously circulation, high concentrations of carbon dioxide continued to build on the air, eyes, in a low for long at a computer screen, easy to red urticant painful. 
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