In October, I participation in a share purchase project goes into effect. To this, the part of the personage inside course of study thinks premium to many, the other part of people argue that a premium for less. Because I work for participating in the vote before the management, from past experience, the rationality of the premium is the most difficult to "the inspection of the index. Whether the market 12, any trade deal than there are a large number of data, but just as no two leaves completely,MLB Jerseys also do not have two trading is really comparable, especially in the premium. Objectively, the project in different areas, even in the same area and micro environmental can also be different, even if the environment the same build quality and management levels can also be different, but, if these factors is how much can be cast in performance from the lessons learned. And subjectively, every single exchange of macroeconomic policy in different environment, the seller is different, the same in different time the different needs, the same the seller of the buyer and the expectation of different judgment is different, both parties to project the future development direction of the expected different... These differences in premium differences, it will be difficult to "the inspection. Remember had seen a book about negotiations books on offer, it says, who first offer who lost the initiative. The buyer is sure to offer the price floor, the seller is to determine the offer price limit. In fact, in view of the long term cooperation trade both parties, who first quotation is often ahead of expected. In that case, if the buyer to offer, in can accept upper limit is 150 million cases, the first negotiations must make decisions, is to offer 140 million? 120 million? Or in? If the seller is to offer 160 million? 180 million? Or 200 million? Because both parties of the industry itself is to know the environment, and the buyer is also based on the project made full due diligence, can on price that everyone to the table the value of the project has a relatively reasonable and unified judgment. Of course at present a lot of pre-ipo because SengDuoZhouShao project, the buyer and not been fully due diligence, also do not have equal negotiating position. Therefore offer process are very subtle, both reflects professional and want to reflect the sincerity. Not like in the gold stars, xidan pearl, a clothes the seller iht 200, the buyer said is too expensive, don't sell 30 highway, both sides in the 80 dollars last clinch a deal. And trading during the negotiation of opponent, each link all offer is the most timid, thrilling. The text of the agreement negotiations when many colleagues can speak, but in the price link, the only key people often talk, is finalised when quote is only the parties to the big leadership. We talk often isn't a fast speed, content and not much, each say a word to the first dian is appropriate, say that finish immediately in language, observe the other person's expression, action of the small change, such as would not frown, surprised, smile, and feel good. As in gold stars shopping experience, as long as that shows the buyer you earn clinch a deal. The big deal, as long as finally clinch a deal is necessarily them feel margin.New Era Hats To get a business for a long time, certainly need to make long-term partners are comfortable with, an achievement. But if at that time take more or less to offer ten million, even twenty million, and eventually be same can clinch a deal? Know trading rivals in when quote ideas, only himself. Unless you and he became colleagues later, or both left the original work environment, or he will never tell you he was the real bottom line. In speaking, this is a forever of mystery.

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