People net Peking on May 26 give or get an electric shock(reporter Cui east) recently, the State Food and Drug Administration sent out a notice and requested to check the place"lived the kidney Jian sun capsule" and"net Kang capsule", these two kinds of products all for hadn't yet to grant a registered false medicine.The national food drugs take charge of a bureau to remind a sufferer:Don't purchase the above-mentioned product,womens sunglasses cause disruption to make a diagnosis and give treatment, harm healthy body;Should go while purchasing drugs regular store or medical organization having the medicine of natural intelligence purchase drugs.In addition, if need to be checked whether the solid drugs register after approval, can land search in the State Food and Drug Administration official site.Recently, the national food drugs take charge of a bureau to receive a report, the reflection is having in the name of the forged medical organization or the think factory on the market, and illegally the publicity sale enounces to have the product that cure the disease function.Through pit solid, in order to haven't yet to grant a registered false medicine, the product reflected by the report all the concrete product circumstance is as follows:A, product name:"Live the kidney Jian sun capsule", marks to develop, production unit name:"North Chinese medicine total hospital", "university male from Chinese medicine medicine in Peking section total hospital" and"the Chinese medicine medicine living creature medicine in Peking industry limited company".Through pit solid, mark of develop unit is respectively a deceitful organization, above-mentioned product for haven't yet to grant a registered false medicine.Two, product name:"Net Kang capsule" marks to produce unit name:"Long Xin system medicine limited company in Sichuan" Web pit solid, mark of production unit is deceitful organization, above-mentioned product for haven't yet the product of granting the registration.The national food drugs take charge of a bureau to ask each province(area, city) drugs to take charge of a section to strengthen the magistracy drugs direct check in the market by law, once discovering the above-mentioned product,mens sunglasses seriously checking place by law;Be suspected of a pertaining to crime crime of and move to send the public security official the organization to pursue a pertaining to crime responsibility according to"the Supreme People's Court and tallest people check Cha hospital concerning carry out production, sale leave the medicine, inferior medicine criminal case concretely apply the explanation of law some problems".
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