Media tycoon rupert murdoch recently opened the social networking site "push," (Twitter) account, several days sat hold more than 60000 fans, he recently in the account make fun of British postings, don't want to immediately by "tiger's wife" DengWenDi blame,best sunglasses asked that he immediately delete bowen. "Tiger's wife" has ordered an immediate action according to the report, Mr Murdoch in "push," account wrote: "to a bankruptcy for countries, the British holiday maybe too much." But this one "push wen" did not escape his wife DengWenDi of fire eyes with golden pupils, DengWenDi immediately replies: "rupert!!!!!!! Delete this push! Ruburt's article is only in telling jokes, I promise!!!!!!!" Reports say,discount sunglasses in DengWenDi and sent a reply, murdoch "obedient" to delete the "push text". DengWenDi wrote: "in * rupert murdoch to explain in online kidding it very carefully. Sometimes (joke) blurt out, is very impolite." Now don't know if it was the wife DengWenDi in reply murdoch's "push text". But, murdoch delete "push wen", seem to show that it is utter "tiger's wife" ordered. Open a few days to attract tens of thousands of fans murdoch December 31 in social networking site "push," on open accounts, just only a few days have 68000 fans. Twitter users initial scepticism. But Twitter founder jack many west to this account number is the authenticity of the confirmed. Murdoch released the first "push wen" is: "just to see the rational optimist," a book, this is a very good book." He then release more "push wen", in a variety of topics, from apple founder Steve jobs biography of comments to praise twentieth century fox film company to issue. On January 1,polarized sunglasses this year he made "push wen" way: "tomorrow back to working state. Idle too long." Spend for him in the troubled 2011 years later, rupert murdoch's push for the future in a year on prospect positive attitude and wish him the fans happy New Year, said a New Year will surely will be better than experts predict.