In 2006 China breast endocrine therapy for peak BBS, experts say, a lot of patients with breast cancer before taking contains the placenta or have so-called eternal youth of health products. Beijing union medical college hospital, 6 year-old girl ChengCheng (a pseudonym) on mother's side, shy to give reporters a look her already slightly uplift the breast. Four months, her chest have like a female adolescents kind, with light shallow curves; And just two months ago, she even like to menstruation, irregular bleeding...... start nakedness Beijing union medical college hospital endocrine division WuXueYan professor told the life times "reporter,NBA Hats this belongs to the typical" precocious puberty ". According to information, China's current parole precocious average incidence is up to 1%, guangzhou is only from 0.5% 10 years ago rose from 1.3% to. WuXueYan point out: "we suspect that the modern humanity precocious, deformity, cancer rates rise, and life of the intake of various hormones involved." Life is filled with all kinds of hormone the brain is in charge of the body, hormone is the governors, one side of the brain executive orders, side and various extra stimulation "negotiations", in order to maintain a balance of the body. But in addition to their body organs natural secretion of the hormone, in the modern society of the use of chemicals have intake for all kinds of "environmental hormone". Eat into his mouth hormones. Now this increased everywhere fruits and vegetables, insider their victims mystery: this is mostly used theripener or hormonal chemicals. Beijing forestry academy of sciences institute of environmental protection HanDeYuan researchers accept plant media interviews points out, a fruit tree seedlings from to mature, can use zero to dozen of the amounts of hormone, used more as grapes, tomato, strawberry kiwi and etc. And breeding using hormones gave birth to feed, also is the industry within the unspoken rule. Such as turtle breeding, according to the personage inside course of study introduces, "according to old breeding methods, to feed the fish and vegetables, turtle at least 5 years to forming, and with hormone feed, 2 two feed can let turtle long 1 two." In addition, sold on the market of velvet antler, ginseng, purification chicken essence, nutrition, even write the green food, but its itself contains natural hormones. In 2006 China breast endocrine therapy for peak BBS, experts say, a lot of patients with breast cancer before taking contains the placenta or have so-called eternal youth of health products. The health department records, a lot of increased health food added to promote the growth of sex hormone kind material, easy to precocious puberty; Some improve sleep class health food added with hypnotic effect of melatonin, can make a person generation to depend on. Go up in the face of the hormone. Reporters from health cosmetics adverse reaction monitoring agencies understand, in recent years, because the use of skin care, cosmetics and cause hormone dependence dermatitis of patients increase annually, for more than 40 years old women. Easy to add hormone of products mainly illegal for acne removing, anti-wrinkle and dispel spot three categories. Guangzhou medical college, director of the second affiliated hospital dermatological YangJian introduction, beauty products to reach whitening and dispel spot efficacy, and will add mercury and lead, in order to alleviate them that causes to the skin stimulation, illegal manufacturer will add a hormone. Life with hormones. Daily life environmental hormone, produced by the garbage burned head of dioxin poisonous substances; Next is the pesticide DDT, all kinds of detergent, plastic products of additives, use the convenience of polystyrene do not use an eraser, children's nipple, etc. WuXueYan points out, these chemicals are synthetic, can affect human body endocrine function. "DDT and plastic in contain of bisphenol A kind of material can be accumulated in the body, is playing A kind of estrogen action." The hormone drugs. Many treatment skin allergy,NBA hats all kinds of infections topical cream contain hormone composition, and some of the male hormone treatment of external use gel, the frost agent drugs, when use may cause environmental pollution and drug ingredients spread, and that could lead to accidental transdermal. WuXueYan stressed that the use of these drugs, be sure to avoid skin contact with children. Too much hormone ruin health whether human or animal, almost all live in the "environmental hormone the sea". Environmental hormone to male degradation, in the animal world has revealed the female crisis, as the end of the chain, will not escape bad luck. 
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