The animation has in ancient Tibet is a call the love ground expect of person, get angry each time and others rise quarrel of time, run to go home by very quick speed, round own house and land to run 3 turns, then sit to pant by the side of the farm land, love ground work Ba very the diligence make great effort, his house more and more big, land also more and more wide,cheap/discount Nike Sunglasses outlet but ignore building ground have much big, as long as disputing animation with others, he or will round house and land to round 3 turns of, the love ground expects why get angry to all round house and land to round 3 turns each time?All persons who know him, the mental states all begin to suspect to delude, but no matter how it is ask him, love ground Ba would not like to explain, until one day, love ground Ba is very old, his building ground has been too large again, he is angry, walk with a cane difficult of round land heel house, wait him very not easy walk 3 turns of, the suns all descend mountain, love ground Ba sits alone a farmland side pant, his grandson is nearby imploring him:"Male, you have been old, the person of this nearby region also no one's land is larger than you, you can not be like again previously, whole life spirit round a land to run! why you can tell me this secret, you from cradle to the grave spirit will round a land to run up 3 turns???" love ground Ba cans not stand grandson's entreaty and finally speaks the secret of concealing in mind several years, he says:"While being young I a fight, dispute with others, angry, round building ground to run 3 turns of, runs while thinking, my house is so small, the land is so small, I which sometimes, which entitle to to get angry with somebody else, at the thought of here, spirit eliminate, hence use all time to make hard.The grandson inquires about:"Male, your age is old, and then become the fullest of person,Mens Dior Sunglasses and Discount Fendi sunglasses why still need to round building ground to run?" love ground Ba says with smile:"I still will get angry now, angry round building ground to walk 3 turns of, walk while thinking, my house is so big, the land is so many, do I why the need for dispute with others again? at the thought of this, spirit eliminated."
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