According to the Japanese today "on January 6 days to report, the fisheries agency official confirmed that a ship the Japanese whaling fleet in the local time 4,Cheap New Era Hats in Antarctic waters were anti-whaling personage interception for five and a half hours. This is the Japanese whaling fleet this year first encounter with scientific research hampered whaling action. Japan's fisheries agency officials say, headquartered in American environmental organizations "Marine guard association" (Sea Shepherd) two boat in Antarctic waters, intercept the Japanese whaling fleet "third brave new pill" (Yushin Maru 3) for five and a half hours. The official said it was not a whale active period of time,Football Jersey the Japanese whaling fleet had told anti-whaling note warning, but the officials refused to reveal form or other whaling fleet position. "Marine guard association" have confirmed that had been with "the third brave new pills" in whaling ship. The organization has two small ship in belong to stay around the sea, the purpose is to harass the Japanese whaling activities, this is the first time they met with the Japanese whaling fleet. The group had earlier use uavs in December 25 found the location of the Japanese whaling sunglasses According to Japanese officials, the whaling fleet is the purpose of "scientific survey", the Japanese government submitted to the international whaling association of the plan say they plan to kill 900 minke whales for what it calls and fin whales. In accordance with the international treaties, commercial whaling is prohibited. Japan since 1987, the treaty of the holes, scientific research in the name of whaling, whale meat are up in restaurants on the table.