The modern media developed, make more and maintain social higher resolution, especially favored by the media of people, its exposure rate is higher than the ordinary people. Always be on the people of vision scope, famous people to their words and deeds natural put forward higher request, otherwise, all the time the great ocean of recruit questioned. But, this year, and do not pay attention to own words and deeds of celebrity is not in the minority. February 13,, guangdong province, a member of the political consultative conference center city commercial development Co., LTD, the chairman LiuWeiHong, central city "suspected illegal sale shop" when the news conference was held, and a female reporter QinXingMei conflict, then with his fist beating oakley sunglasses Just think, in a news conference this media coverage, all kinds of lens flare special occasions, people should be good, clear image shaping the truth about the optimal opportunity. More what is more, the standing committee of LiuWeiHong held a press conference, was originally want to eliminate people to her company "suspected illegal sale shop" doubts. Now, she actually can't grasp the emotional, beaten female reporter QinXingMei, not only may not be able to wash "suspected illegal sale shop" of "water", but real back a hit and charges. And, before this, QinXingMei is LiuWeiHong company "suspected illegal sale shop" of one of those who reported, had said to the LiuWeiHong political standing position from pull down. She joined the press conference, of course, is also prepared. Even so, the worst possible thing was still to come. Have to say, LiuWeiHong practice, very unwise, and her various across the identity of the aura is not consistent. The image of the Chinese people's political consultative conference "injury not"! Of course, a hit incidents, LiuWeiHong head day will not fall down, how to deal with and deal with, but decided the future of the event. Unfortunately, LiuWeiHong after this practice, also let a person can't be happy. February 14, in the afternoon, LiuWeiHong although to be playing reporters admit keeps apology, but in the latter the said 1 astounding words: "dozen not heavy!" As a DaRenZhe, and covered with political and business aura of celebrity, in front of the newspaper other journalists face, LiuWeiHong of this sentence, to make people arriving, it is hard not to let people doubt her apology is sincere. No matter weight and not heavy, undeniable fact is you hit a person, even if not heavy, is also playing....... A hit event itself is wrong, don't play not heavy is a hit? There is no mistake? This sentence absent-minded of words, can let a person want to make mistakes, playing her a piece. In addition, "apologize" on the same day, and other media hope LiuWeiHong interview with her, she showed her still not satisfactory. She to telephone the head of media said: "now reports have rushed forward, no good interview, events such as calm down, I'll find 'after specially positive media' do report." In a word, and fully exposed to the public figures in dealing with the soft rib of crisis. Crisis management have a "24 hours" principle, i.e. crisis after the incident, 24 hours to respond quickly, otherwise it may circulated rumours, the rumor the submerged. Now, LiuWeiHong I also understand that, about a hit all the news of events have all over the place, unexpectedly and bottom spirit "fat", thinking about events to be automatic calm, not the general calm! Events will not automatically calm, put no matter, as people a waves surging to questioning, her "post" whether can keep living, still not necessarily. After all the shenzhen municipal party committee propaganda minister has said publicly force is a reporter. Besides as people rallied people discuss events the upsurge of enthusiasm, some other things to LiuWeiHong adverse also received the "involved" : originally and small central city "suspected illegal sale shop" events are make bigger, police say they have received shop owner to buy of, is investigating evidence. LiuWeiHong experiences in the past also gradually be amplified.NFL Hats Is the real estate business, and in the political consultative conference of the standing committee, 20 years of business and political road, assurance of the flawed place. Follow a hit events, LiuWeiHong experience was also about people dig deep, the guangdong provincial party committee secretary of the united were also dragged in. The event at a more make, can only say that she is the bitter fruit of improper handling crisis brewing. The shortly before January 31, the famous actor zhang guoli son ZhangMo for marijuana administrative detention by the public security bureau. After the incident, as the father zhang guoli crisis management is very appropriate. In the first time he stand up, issued a statement to the media to apologize, and begged the media can treat ZhangMo tolerance, understanding a father's mood, to son a chance. "To the bad influence of society by apologize sincerely", "I'll and ZhangMo in future days together make up", meaning of the words cut apology for zhang guoli and ZhangMo won the public understanding and good will. Many public figures have said the support of zhang guoli, and says it is willing to give ZhangMo opportunity. Understand the way of dealing with crisis, and more than one zhang guoli, and famous singer LiShuangJiang, are doing is known for. Perhaps, zhang guoli treatment of how LiShuangJiang there from predecessors of this world. On September 6, 2011 late, LiShuangJiang 15 year old son in a traffic accident LiTianYi conflict with the people, and beating each other head of injury, LiTianYi by public security bureau of criminal detention. 8 September 8 a.m., LiShuangJiang will rush to the hospital to visit the injured lived, after meet restraining tears to the other party, connect a bow to apologize, and acknowledged the "child doesn't know any better, improper education", willing to assume all the compensation and loss. Said to excited place, and he also said "or give you stick, you hit me." LiShuangJiang sincere apology, got the did accept, said it is willing to give his wife did LiShuangJiang a chance. A public crisis, then slowly been allayed. Now that zhang guoli can LiShuangJiang from there, to learn from the experience of dealing with crisis, why as celebrity LiuWeiHong cannot? After the crisis, sincerely apologize, put themselves in the position of the weak, more likely to lead people sympathy and understanding. Unfortunately, LiuWeiHong don't understand and beat people still put a pair of strong person face, how can turn away anger down? Objectively speaking, now called the rich and famous and "officer person", in society so-called position, also some awkward. On the one hand, they have more resources than ordinary people, an enviable rich life. Also because of this, their every move also much attention, a movement are likely to cause the norm. Made a mistake after, the question is, are often much more than the average person. This kind of situation, also is very normal, fair. Things get more than others, nature will take more pressure. I want to say is, in fact, pressure and crisis is not terrible, the key is to meet later and to properly handle and deal with it. Well through the crisis, you can still continue to achieve his ambition and enjoy life, otherwise, also can pay for their mistakes. I sincerely hope that, LiuWeiHong the ZhengShang woman hero, able to listen to my advice.
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